Friday 7 May 2010

This is our final media product, enjoy.

When we finished our film, some of the people who had watched it thought Ending Two, was too abrupt, so we decided to show Horatio` s face at the end as another alternative ending, and then interviews four teenagers aged 16-17 (target audience) to give them their views on which ending they preferred:

Ending One:

Ending Two:

Overall, it seems as though people we more satisfied with the ending in which Horatio` s face is shown watching the pictures.

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Question five: How did you attract/address your audience?
View more presentations from Leon Thomas.

We held a screening of our final media product and asked our related target audience to see if we had successfully attracted our target audience:

Our audience feedback suggests that we have successfully targeted our audience, meaning iour media product is officially a 15-21 film specification.

Tuesday 4 May 2010

6) What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Online software:

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I knew how to upload my own video for Question 7, as well as uploading our videos and embedding them onto my blog. I also learnt how to receive feedback from other online users, especially to those who commented on our final product, as well as commenting on other people`s work as well. The significance of this is that it is free, quick, and easily accessible.

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With Slideshare I learnt how to upload powerpoint presentations and word documents, and then how to embed them onto predominantly my blog, as well as facebook at times.

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I embedded our media product onto facebook because many of my friends on that social networking site were of the same specific target audience to our product, 15-21. Many of whom commented on our post and gave good, but critically an honest analysis of our film. We also asked them to give us their thoughts on wich ending would be the best (see my blog).

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On blogger, I learnt how to upload my presentations and word documents from slideshare, how to create and edit new posts, and how to upload videos from respectively. This was all done to enhance my presentation skills in order to make my work look more attractive.

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Our group used to research possible designs for our title Neurosis.

Equipment technology:

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The digital camera helped me to upload pictures from a memory stick reader which then went onto the Apple Mac. I took pictures of all the locations witnessed in the film, whilst Arfa too pictures of Jemima and her friends from Horatio`s perspective which was then printed out by Hannah.

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With the digital video camera, I learnt how to record footage, upload footage, charge the camera when it needed to and to zoom in and out. We also learnt about the white balance, and the problem we have with the balance, because at times the screen was shaky and unstable. This was evident in the screen where Horatio was typing up the article.

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Due to the frailties of the digital video camera and its white balance problem, we used the professional camera instead which worked because the lens was able to focus better on the screen. The quality of the footage was also much better, however what we recorded could not be uploaded on the professional camera from the normal camera.

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With the tripod I learnt how to keep a shot steady, maintain the balance of the shot, and make sure the camera was steady and level.

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With the AppleMac I learnt how to upload footage, pictures, and work saved under my memory stick (USB). I also learnt how to screen-grab shots which is less complicated to that of a PC. I also learnt to edit my own footage for Question 7, using Imovie.